Archive for June, 2013

US Road Dimensions
I received an email late last week from one our readers here at Ztrains, asking about some specific American-style road dimensions. Nothing like getting it right from the horse’s mouth so I took my camera on the road, almost literally. Here’s the road question from Ryan: I am making a road on my Z scale […]

HOS | Hardened Oil Syndrome
HOS stands for Hardened Oil Syndrome, a condition found in older Marklin Z scale locomotives where the loco does not run due to congealed, or hardened, oil in the gears. We utilize a pair of older YouTube videos in the article to illustrate, the quality of these videos isn’t quite up to new video camera […]

More From Showcase Miniatures
I recently wrote about a very cool new pick-up truck in Z scale from Showcase Miniatures. Here it is just a short time later and I felt compelled to again highlight this company. I got a few more of their vehicles this week, I popped their “F” Type Day Delivery Tractor out of its bag […]

Crewe Works In 1938
Long-time Z scaler Jeffrey White sent a YouTube link along to Rob Kluz and me last night that I wanted to share. With a length of just 15 minutes, it’s an amazing look back at one corner of the world just prior to WWII. From the YouTube description of this video: Building a full size […]

Red Rock Reworked
I don’t know what it is about this desktop layout, I just can’t seem to leave it alone! I find myself going back, again and again, reshaping this, adding that, etc. I think I have the basic shape now in place after the most recent changes. Of course, I’ve said this before. I’m still not […]

Locomotive Break-In Method
Whenever there’s a new Z scale locomotive about to be introduced, there’s always a lot of buzz and chatter in online user forums. The new Mikado from AZL is now the talk of the Z scale motive world and as we look forward to its release, I got to thinking about correct break-in methods and […]

Juergen Faulhaber | Marklin
As a result of the still recent (March 2013) acquisition of Marklin by the Simba Dickie Group, based in Fürth-Stadeln, Germany, many Marklin Z enthusiasts here in the US have been wondering what this means for the future of Marklin in Z scale. Immediately following the Simba Dickie sale, we contacted Juergen Faulhaber, Marklin Mini-Club […]

Showcase Miniatures
I really love to see existing manufacturers opening up their product lines to include Z scale, as Showcase Miniatures has just done, with some much-needed high quality pieces. Vehicles such as trucks are hard enough to come by in Z scale, to find great looking US-style trucks is even more difficult. I came across this […]