Archive for September, 2013

We’re Now officially has a new name and new web address, Ok, so what’s a Raildig? Well we started with Model Railroad Digest, pared that down to Model Rail Digest, then Rail Digest and in a moment of editorial clarity we arrived at Raildig. We were going to hold off on the new name unveil […] Gets A New Name
We’re making some changes here at; the most noticeable right off the bat is we’re changing our name. In a week or so, we’ll no longer be Now we’ll still be working in and with Z scale trains of course, but we’ll also be looking in to some of the other model rail […]

Glyn Valley Tramway
In our last article, I mentioned we’d be looking in to other flavors of model railroading here at Ztrains and we showed a short video of a British Nn3 layout by Mark Fielder. We also used a photo of an Nn3 locomotive in that article produced by PECO, A British model rail company. I’ve known […]

Nn3 Scale Modeling
Recently I’ve been thinking about a relatively close relation of Z scale, Nn3. N scale narrow gauge, or Nn3, in practice is generally N scale model railroading on Z scale track. The models are N scale; the track is Z gauge, or 6.5mm. As I go along, I’m sure I’ll be corrected on some of […]