Category: Useful Tools
Plastic Pipettes For Model Railroading
I’ve recently been trying out new brands of paints for airbrush use but unfortunately my local hobby stores don’t stock a wide variety so it’s been online ordering for me. An average price for a small bottle isn’t too bad at all, ranging from $3 – $4 each. Add a few bucks for shipping and […]
Badger Paint Mixer
I recently ordered paint from Tamiya and some replacement accessories for my Paasche H airbrush in preparation for a couple of upcoming projects. Having never used Tamiya before I read up on it and saw on some forums, modelers stating that stirring is preferred over shaking paint when using an airbrush. Ok, I’ll bite. Normally […]
Paasche H Airbrush Parts
What I like in particular about the Paasche H airbrush is its ease of use and as important, the ease of cleaning an external mix airbrush. This brush is about as simple as they come but it’s long been considered something of a workhorse in hobby painting. When using a Paasche H airbrush, you really […]
Airbrush Acrylic Primer And Paint
The other day a reader posted a question here regarding acrylic paints and airbrush use, here’s that question: I was just going back over a previous article (Waterfront Project | Part 5) in the Waterfront Project series and noticed the info about using acrylic craft paint in an airbrush. Does that paint, thinned the same […]
The BUG Photo Etch Bending Tool
My Z scale tool arsenal is very basic, really about as fancy as I get is my resistance soldering unit. I now have a new favorite tool on my workbench… the “BUG” made by The Small Shop. Conceptually it’s a remarkably simple little device in that it allows you to make clean, precise bends in […]
Z Scale Clearance Gauges
It doesn’t come up every day but it most definitely does come up: how big should my tunnel portal be, how much height do I need under a bridge, why didn’t I think of train clearance before I built my layout? It’s really unfortunate when someone builds a scene and only then realizes they can’t […]
The Grassinator™
UPDATE | January 2019: We now have the Grassinator™ available for sale through Ztrack websites and through AZL and Rokuhan dealers. The Ztrains Grassinator™ is the handheld static grass applicator that can add upright static grass to your layout and add an amazing amount of realism quickly and easily. The Grassinator™ was originally built and sold […]