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The WLE Track Plan

| March 8, 2013 0 Comments More

WLE Track PlanThis material is a supplement to the Westphalian-Eisenbahn GmbH (WLE) article and track plan in the January | February 2013 issue of Ztrack Magazine.

Recently I was talking with Rob Kluz of Ztrack Magazine about a railroad webcam in Germany featuring a crossing on the Westphalian-Eisenbahn GmbH (WLE) in Lippstadt, Germany. Rob decided to write an article on this scene and asked me if I’d work up a track plan using Rokuhan track from a quick sketch he sent while we were on the phone. Sure, I’m always up for a new Z scale article!

The layout was to be 5’ x 2’ with a scenic divider right down the center. A few webcam shots were sent to me along with suggestions for industries on the front and back of the layout. When I draw up track plans, I tend to think in very board terms regarding the scenery so there’s plenty of space here for interpretation. Let’s start by having a look at the area using Google Earth.

The front of the layout depicts the three track lines running through the heart of the town of Lippstadt, and the grade crossing really is a centerpiece here. This crossing is also focus of the online webcam. Using Google Earth, we see that just west of this grade crossing there are lots of industrial tracks and we wanted to bring this feel of complexity to the plan. Essentially, we shifted much of this track work east a bit into the center of town.

The main industry on the front of the layout is the local brewhouse; this backs up against the scenic divider on the far right side. The rest of the front-side of the layout is a mix of residential and business structures with paved two lane roads running east to west and north to south. This visual division is representative of the actual town and gives you lots of urban scene possibilities.

The back of the layout is decidedly rural and features a quarry area as well as additional brewery buildings. These additional brewery buildings are a nice tie-in to the front of the layout while having on the outskirts of town feel to it. Check out the Ztrack article for specific structure placement suggestions.

An interesting choice in track is the Rokuhan curved turnout, Rokuhan R026. This has curved radii of 195mm and 220mm. The 195mm leg of the turnout is part of the main loop of the plan, which should be fine for most European Z scale locomotives.

Ztrack Magazine

January | February 2013 Issue

From the overhead Google Earth shots there appears to be a mix of older wood tie track and newer concrete tie track. This old and new look can be simulated by incorporating some of the Rokuhan concrete tie track in to the mix.

Using sectional track forces us to be a bit more symmetrical than the prototype of course, but it’s a good trade off when going for the industrial, urban look we wanted to achieve on the layout front.

Scenery, structures, the paved road and mixing the wood and concrete tie track will also go a long way in giving this layout a more organic feel.

WLE Using Rokuhan Track

Rokuhan #Description | Length | RadiusPieces Used
R001Straight | 110mm32
R004Curve | R220 | 45°6
R006 (now R039 )Left Turnout5
R007 (now R040)Right Turnout7
R012Curve | R490 | 13°6
R014Curve | R245 | 30°4
R015Curve | R270| 30°3
R02013° Crossing Track2
R020a (now R024)Straight | 55mm3
R026Left Curved Turnout | 30°1
R029Track Bumper3
R030Straight | 25mm1

Rokuhan has changed some of their part numbers but these changes have yet to be made by the track software we use, AnyRail. The numbers in the parenthesis are the new Rokuhan part numbers.

Be sure to check out the January | February issue of Ztrack Magazine article for scenic and structure placement suggestions as well as more tips and history to build this Westphalian-Eisenbahn layout.

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Category: Ztrack Magazine Online Extras

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