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Archive for November, 2015

David Rees | BlueRail Trains

David Rees | BlueRail Trains

I recently read about BlueRail Trains and their new control system for trains, but not the sort of control system I’m used to seeing. Not DCC, but one that can be run right alongside DCC and doesn’t need a lot of hardware in the middle. A system that looks incredibly elegant to me that requires […]

November 22, 2015 More
Manfrotto 244 Variable Friction Magic Arm

Manfrotto 244 Variable Friction Magic Arm

Previously I’d written about using an inexpensive (e.g., eBay) softbox setup for both my train photos and for my general work lights

November 14, 2015 More
Painting Kato Unitrack Rail

Painting Kato Unitrack Rail

In a recent article, I applied Kato ballast to HO, N and Z scale track and I was pretty happy with the results. Here’s the link to that article: https://raildig.com/useful-tools/kato-unitrack-ballast-for-ho-n-z-scale. What I was less happy about was the rail itself, specifically my paint coverage of the rail sides, there was still too much underlying shine […]

November 11, 2015 More
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