Category: Raildig Build Projects

Bad Bayou N Scale Halloween Diorama Revisited 2018 | Part 4 / Final
In Part 3 of the Bad Bayou 2018 series, we had all our LEDs installed and I vowed not to add any more, so naturally I had to add some more. Just one more flashing welding effect set and a few individual flickering LEDs for a campfire… and one more LED spotlight from our metal […]

Bad Bayou N Scale Halloween Diorama Revisited 2018 | Part 3
Here’s the penultimate article for the 2018 MTL themed, Halloween Bad Bayou N scale shadowbox. That really is a mouthful! In the last article we were painting LED strip lights and really setting up for the addition of even more LEDs and LED effects. Well clearly, we got a bit obsessed since then. I am […]

Bad Bayou N Scale Halloween Diorama Revisited 2018 | Part 2
After we finished Part 1 of this series, we realized the brass toggle switch we’re using for the main power was installed upside down! Quickly ordering a new switch, we then dug the “incorrect” switch out of the epoxy used to mount it in the shadowbox with a rotary tool. So… funny story, the original […]

Bad Bayou N Scale Halloween Diorama Revisited 2018 | Part 1
Last year, 2017, we built the Bad Bayou, Micro-Trains Line inspired, N Scale Shadowbox for Halloween. As often happens, we ran a little short on time. I’ll give some blame to a nor’easter that knocked out power for a day on October 30th 2017, but I’ll take the hit too… there’s always too little time. […]

Using Tree and Plant Roots in Model Train Scenery
To add a nice extra bit of realism, I’ve always liked to look of exposed tree roots on a model train layout. Roots creeping out from cuts in the earth or even from rock faces add a nice touch to any scene. You’ll need to do a little judicious root hunting to get the right […]

Shortytown In Z Scale | Rokuhan Shorty
Rokuhan recently, and in a very welcome move, introduced their Shorty Z scale locomotive chassis. This new Z scale chassis reminds me of the Kato N scale series of powered chassis, the 11-xxx series. Both are very inexpensive, nice little runners and ready to be used for all sorts of DIY projects. The new Rokuhan […]

Bad Bayou Halloween Diorama | Final
Halloween is finally here, and so is the final build article for the Bad Bayou Halloween shadowbox. In the last article we had the basic foam shape we’d use for our track and scenery. We’ve fleshed this foam form out a bit more and hit it with some very basic craft paints just to give […]

Bad Bayou Halloween Diorama | Part 2
Welcome back to the Bad Bayou Halloween Diorama, Part 2. With only a few days left before Halloween, we’re burning the midnight oil… and torches, cauldrons full of unspeakable horrors and creepy candles too! In this article we’ll figure some box details, and then go on a walk through the woods to collect some supplies […]

Bad Bayou Halloween Diorama | Part 1
There’s a crisp, if slightly malevolent, tinge to the night air this time of year and that can only mean one thing… a new Halloween project! This project was inspired by the Micro-Trains N scale BNSF Halloween graffiti car, as soon as I saw this car I knew I wanted to build a scene around […]

Grinched | N Scale Post-Christmas Layout | Final
With Christmas come and gone, and Little Christmas come and gone too, we’re very happy to present the final article in our Post-Christmas 2016 Grinched layout series. I now prefer to think of this as the very first Christmas layout build of 2017. As well as being a slightly late Christmas delivery, Grinched actually took […]