Category: Raildig Guest

Juergen Faulhaber | Marklin
As a result of the still recent (March 2013) acquisition of Marklin by the Simba Dickie Group, based in Fürth-Stadeln, Germany, many Marklin Z enthusiasts here in the US have been wondering what this means for the future of Marklin in Z scale. Immediately following the Simba Dickie sale, we contacted Juergen Faulhaber, Marklin Mini-Club […]

A Rock Outcrop Made With Water Putty
I came across some photos recently on TrainBoard in the HO section and enjoyed these images so much I contacted the model builder, Michael Cawdrey of Brisbane, Australia, and asked if he’d write an article for us here at Ztrains. I was really taken with Michael’s groundwork but what I didn’t know at the time […]

OnDrew Hartigan | Model Railroad Benchwork
If you’re building a small switching layout or a full modular model railroad layout, it just makes sense to build it on a high quality foundation.

Pelle K. Soeeborg
When you’re involved in model railroading for awhile there are a handful of notable names you’ll come across time and time again, people whose modeling work stands out from the rest. Pelle K. Soeeborg is definitely one of these names. When I began looking at model railroad scenery set in the US Southwest, I’d come […]

Searching The Floor
By John Bartolotto I’ve been a modeler most of my life in one capacity or another. Model soldiers, cars, ships, planes, military vehicles and of course trains. Model trains however have been my focus for the past thirteen years as has my on again / off again love affair with Z scale. Z scale has […]

Bob Mitchell
Many of our readers will recognize your name from your product builds and reviews in Ztrack Magazine, how about a little background information? Who exactly is Bob Mitchell? I’m freshly retired from 35 years as a High School photography and art teacher, a career I really loved, and have been a professional (albeit analog!) photographer. […]

Dave Frary | Blue Ribbon Models
If you’ve ever walked into a hobby shop and looked at the book rack or picked up a copy of Model Railroader, you’ve likely seen Dave Frary’s work. Dave has written the definitive guide to model railroad scenery in his book, How To Build Realistic Model Railroad Scenery, now in its 3rd revision. In addition […]

Tim Warris | Fast Tracks
With the the continuing growth of Z scale model railroading we’re seeing new products and techniques that only a short time ago were the sole property of the larger scales. The Fast Tracks company of Ontario, Canada now brings us a wide array of fixtures, tools and instruction on how to build our own Code […]

Lance Mindheim | The Shelf Layouts Co.
Just when you think you know a little something about model railroading you find there’s always more to learn. Personally I find this one of the more fun aspects of the hobby. There are always new doors opening, always new and interesting facets to dig in to. I recently drew up a small plan for […]